Recovery Friendly Workplace Corporate Consultant
Co-founder of Sober Curious at Cisco
Bringing 13 yrs of Corp experience to HR teams that are ready to become Recovery Friendly
Co-founder of Sober Curious at Cisco
Bringing 13 yrs of Corp experience to HR teams that are ready to become Recovery Friendly
I have seen and experienced what it is like:
Addressing Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in Corporate America requires accurate science-based information & data, safe spaces, curiosity and action.
I believe that Corporate America can change the world for the better when it comes to SUD.
For over twenty years, I've created safe spaces where curiosity and innovation can flourish. In 2021, as a person in long-term recovery, I conquered my own shame and stigma, joined the "recovering out loud" movement, and started Sober Curious at Cisco.
Accreditations & Contributions:
National Recovery Friendly Workplace Institute - the first national public and private sector initiative to help equip every employer to be a “Recovery Friendly Workplace” (nationwide). Some individual states have statewide initiatives.
Washington Recovery Alliance - building the capacity of the recovery community to advance substance use recovery and mental health wellness by catalyzing public understanding and shaping public policy in Washington State. I am a Regional Advisor.
Recovery-Ready Workplace Toolkit - providing information, tools, and resources to help employers from all sectors: government, for-profit, non-profit, and not-for-profit to effectively prevent and respond to substance misuse in the workforce and reduce its impact on employers and the broader community. From the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Domestic Policy Council, and 12 federal departments and independent agencies.
Latest (2022) Data on SUD in the US - from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Link to my favorite PDF for statistics.
Addiction 101 - it’s not a moral failing—it’s a treatable illness. Get the facts about this misunderstood medical condition from my friends at Shatterproof.
Understand Substance Use Disorders and Stigma (1 hour video) - learn about the brain science behind substance use disorders and how to address stigma with Dr. Brian Fuehrlein MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and the Director of the Psychiatric Emergency Room at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System.
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